How to write an efficient blog on a new skill?

How to write an efficient blog on a new skill?

Scribble First

I usually prefer to draw my ideas in my scribble pad with my pen and paper.

When you start by thinking small, it will definitely result in something big in the end.

Just like connecting dots will visually impact us all together but it started with a tiny dot after all.

Structure everything!

Try to divide your idea into parts and illustrate them.

Use Tools like Todoist, Trello, Keep, Tasks, or whichever place you feel more productive if you're not much used to traditional pen and paper.

Never forget to make a note of even tiny things that will matter.

Always try to look over your previous notes.

I will be explaining practical scenarios in my upcoming blogs.

Research, not search.

Often, when we explore a new skill we just try to google it and look over the top 5 search results for reference.

It is just a simple search strategy.

But when you really want to get to know about anything. You have to truly dive into it.

Meaning, if you want to explore React then spend a week in Egghead or Scrimba. You will get insights rather than referring to comparisons.

I found most of us just do React vs Angular vs Vue.

Instead, spend a week on any of the frameworks. And see how it is matching to your working style and psychology.

Get insights

To get insights, you have to get inside. Talk to developers who have at least 1% more experience than you.

Connect developer communities on Slack, LinkedIn, Gitter, etc.

Be creative, open-minded, and crisp when you post something.

Get into boot camps, webinars, and workshops.

Always try to be a mentor even while you are learning.

Correlate with your past

Always try to compare with the things you have already done because there is always the same strategy involved.

Describe your journey. Don't try to be a pro always!

If you learn to react just make a comparison table of your experience.

In Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS what didn't work for you and what React did for you in a practical sense?

Don't just blindly fall on features but your utility matters as well.

Refer blogs and comparisons

Explore blogs, previous projects, articles, and videos.

Look at the trends and just apply your research in understanding it.

Share your knowledge and opinions.

I find and of course Hashnode the best place for writing.