Find your Niche in Frontend

Find your Niche in Frontend

About this article

Every developer has their own story and everyone is different with different capabilities. I came across various developers who talk about their backgrounds and their roadmaps.

I believe there is no single roadmap to guarantee a successful career but there can be pieces of advice and good strategies to become one.


As a frontend developer, I am focusing on this topic, but possibly applicable for all developers.

Everyone is aware of what technologies to learn from various sources. If you are knowing about Frontend for the first time then here are a few suggestions:

Niche in Frontend?

Everybody should grow and wish to scale up personally and in skill. But before that, "Frontend" is not just an 8 letter word but much more than it.

Often, people who start learning to code assume it is boring or they can come later. But if you really want to enhance your career then growth should be dynamic.

UI Generalist

A UI Generalist is aware of all the technologies but not an expert in this domain. Yet, through the knowledge of the internet and the right resources, frameworks you can do your best. Creativity and your way of approach also play a role here.

Also, aware of Cloud, Backend, Knowledge, and Andriod will add more value.

If you are a good communicator, explorer, and have the ability to drive the audience, then this niche can help you to scale up.


  • Start a youtube channel and put content in the best way

  • Engage people via social media handles like Instagram

  • Make your own Courses, Blogs, Host events, or Start a community

  • Frontend/Tech Consultant to various tech firms and HR

  • Freelancing Agency

Frontend Specialist

Stick onto basics and improve your skills continuously on javascript and its frameworks. You may love to stay for long in front of your code editor every day, then you can become an expert in this.

Knowledge about frontend architecture, optimization techniques, intense practice, making snippets on CodeSandbox and CodePen will add to you.

You might not be a good communicator but has the ability to deliver a full product. Understanding and testing APIs will be an add-on


Designer <=> Frontend Developer

This is an awesome combination and has the most demand in the industry. If you are a creative person then brush your skills in Art, UX, and UI.

Code what you design will give you better results in excelling in this domain. Since your childhood you might be inspired by art and design then you should definitely give coding a try!

Make a portfolio and show off your skills.


  • Connect Premium firms

  • Publish Articles, Blogs on various platforms

  • Create and boost Instagram Page, Dribbble and generate leads

  • Share your tips and become an Author

  • Work in Product based startups

  • Freelancer/ Design consultant

Frontend Developer Advocate

You might love to travel and talk and code alternative days. Also love to explore, communicate and involve in the community who can take initiatives and gives back value to the needy. Then this is the right thing for you.

This is highly underestimated but in a long run, this is much important for any software product-based companies.

You should also have good skills and followers on different social media platforms. An angel to the broken.
