Useful git commands to recover commit mistakes

Useful git commands to recover commit mistakes

git diff, commit and reset

Ignoring these small mistakes which seem to be "big" sometimes, leads a developer to procrastinate and postpone it for later and it may later lead to bugs and complications for large projects.


#1 Compare your previous commit

Get this done in a single command instead of doing it manually

git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1


  • To overlook an unknown error in any file
  • To quickly fix large file issues in the repository

#2 Don't add more commits for a simple thing

You don't need a separate commit for few lines of code or something silly, so it is a better practice to remove unnecessary commands and make a clean and developer-friendly repository.

git commit --amend --no-edit


  • Old commit is replaced by a new commit (including ID)
  • Allows you to undo changes without creating a new commit message
  • To maintain a clean, presentable, and developer-friendly commit history


  • If you want to add a new commit message:
git commit --amend -m “New commit message”

#3 Undo the last commit

Again, "sudden" mistakes!

git reset --soft HEAD~1


  • Resets the code to the previous commit (to the 2nd last)
  • Remember, using soft lets your changes in the last preserved for later.


  • If you want to permanently get rid of the last commit then use hard instead
git reset --hard HEAD~1