Best CSS Framework - The New Tailwind v2.1+

The game-changing latest version and its powerful features

Best CSS Framework - The New Tailwind v2.1+

Tailwind CSS: The most popular, beautiful, and unique framework I have ever seen. If this is the first time you are hearing about this, don't worry. It is pretty intuitive, productive, and fast. Believe me, the learning curve has greater benefits to understand the depths of CSS and its architecture.

What's NEW


  • Extend variants : If you yet need your own unique styles, you can extend them easily
//add your custom css in tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  variants: {
    extend: {
      backgroundColor: ['active'],
      // ...
      borderColor: ['focus-visible', 'first'],
      // ...
      textColor: ['visited'],

More references: Tailwind CSS resources by Marko Denic